My story

I have always liked the technology, mainly, those in video game consoles. My favorite reads were about technical specifications. When I was 16 year, I entered to workshop of Computation at the high school, there, I learned the logic to programming and discovery the marvel recursion. For myself I learned Java, JavaScript, VBScript and Flash 5.

So, I chose to study mathematics at Science Faculty of the UNAM with a approach in the computer science to be a better software developer. Thanks to my previous studies in programming I approved easily the course that required implement some program, about the half of these. My favorite course was Languages of Programing and its paradigms. In the course I learned the essence of the programming languages and my favorite paradigm was “the functional”.

I like to write clean, readable and maintainable code. I take pride in code.

My skills and knowledge in a nutshell


git puppet ansible nginx memcached vagrant virtual box ssh bash new relic run scope

Server (backend)

git symfony2 doctrine mysql memcached apc capistrano REST, laravel, composer, linux

Client (browser)

git ionic angular 1.x bower requirejs sass gulp grunt jekyll handlerbars jquery jquery ui bootstrap

Programming Language

php javascript racket r java

Programming knowledge

SOLID design patterns KISS clean code css semantic selectors agile methodologies regular expressions cache performance NoSql

Other technologies with less experience

cold fusion Sql Server Windows Server